Catch More Flies With Honey Than Vinegar, But I’ll Use Both – Day 90

Today I attempted another DIY facial cleaner.  I found it here:  I washed my face using a mix of honey and baking soda.  Then I rinsed and used apple cider vinegar as a toner.

Ouch.  This was not for those with sensitive skin or rosecea. I think everything would have been okay minus the baking soda.  My face felt like sandpaper was being rubbed over it.

Another drawback, it was easier said than done to get the honey and baking soda off my face.  Honey – obviously sticky – I should’ve seen that problem coming.

Once my face was cleaned and the vinegar toner was used, my face did feel great.  It was soft to the touch and felt tight without being dried out.  I used the baking soda mix on my lips and my lips felt perfect.  I suppose it was not pleasant in the process, but the end result was nice.  But how does it make my skin look? I think my skin looks more red and angry than I had hoped, but I’ll let you judge.  After all this daily new challenge is helping me become more comfortable with the no make up look.


What a Difference a Week Makes – Day 89

So a week ago my first was fully observing the Sabbath.  I loved that first.  I want it to become a second, and a third, and a fourth….you get the idea.  But what a difference a week makes.  Rest wasn’t quite in the cards today, unfortunately.  

This brings me to my first.  It was a first borne of necessity rather than desire, but it still counts as a first.  I went grocery shopping for the week at 9:30 tonight.  Image

All day I worked on laundry and cleaning.  At least that’s what I was doing in the little bit of time I wasn’t preoccupied with the toddler.  And then I blinked and it was 8 pm.  There was no way I could leave then.  Even if I didn’t have to put D down to bed at that point, I still wouldn’t have left because my all time favorite show comes on, Once Upon a Time.  I don’t get into too many shows, but I will not miss my weekly dose of OUAT.  The world could experience a nuclear disaster, and I would wait until 9 pm before finding the nearest fallout shelter.  

So finally at 9 pm I could detach myself from the television.  I had a few odds and ends to take care of, but I finally got to the supermarket around 9:25 or 9:30.  Thankfully, as tired as I am and as focused as I was on my list, I was determined to make this the shortest shopping trip ever.  I think I may have succeeded.

I stuck to only the items on my list choosing not to take a leisurely stroll down aisles that did not contain my listed items.  That saved me quite a bit of time.  Plus, it kept my total to a minimum.  I was able to spend a fraction of what I normally do at the store and I was in and out in about 20 minutes.  That never happens!

One of the biggest time savers was the fact the grocery store was so empty.  There were only two lanes open for check out, but that was all that was needed.  I didn’t run into anyone I saw (which was shocking considering my no make up, hair needed brushing look) so there was no time taken for hellos and conversation.  Just in and out in record time.  Nice.

As I could see, there was only one negative to shopping late like this:  a spooky, nearly vacant parking lot when loading the groceries into your car.  However, being that the scenario could give the bravest man on earth the spooks, that only meant I was loading my car faster than before.  Therefore, if you happened to pass by and see me loading my car with groceries this evening, rest assured it was not Dash from the Incredibles loading my car, just me a little freaked out by the way my mind plays tricks on me in an empty parking lot.  

Now, I’m finally in bed for the evening.  I’m more than a little tired from the day.  What a difference a week makes.  Next week I will be reclaiming my Sabbath.

Butt Warmers Should Be Standard Features – Day 88

Today I spent a good part of the day with my parents.  They bought a car from a dealership out of town and I went with them to pick it up.  My dad asked if I wanted to drive it home.  Of course!

My car is 10 years old.  I love my car, but I am ready for a new one.  I would love to have one with a bit more room, with a moonroof, with a beautiful shiny exterior and leather interior that has a butt warmer.  Oh, and radio controls on the steering wheel.  I want that, too.

No, I’m not a prima donna.  I’m not expecting too much.  This is all possible.  I know, because my parents have it in theirs.  Yes, a butt warmer in the seat.

So on the way home from getting their new car, guess who was the first person to drive it?  Me.  Pretty awesome, indeed.


Self-Proclaimed Snob – Day 87

Tonight’s first: Image


If I’m going to be honest, I’m a bit of a tea snob.  Others may not believe that.  You may picture a tea snob as one who understands the differences between white tea and green tea.  Perhaps a tea snob would only drink oolong tea or they understand where to purchase good rooibos tea.  Admittedly, I do not.  However, I am particular.

Sometimes I’ll prepare some hot herbal tea and add honey to it before bed.  I don’t love it, but I believe it is good for me and helps me sleep.  I hate unsweetened tea.  What’s the point of that?  No, I need sweet tea – Southern sweet tea.  Did you notice I used the word “need”.  It was not a mistake.

My sweet tea needs just the right degree of sweetness.  Many restaurants make it too sweet and it’s like drinking sugar water…..much too sweet.  However, without enough sugar, it is just like unsweetened tea….bitter and boring.  That’s why I’m a self-proclaimed tea snob.  I am quite particular about it.

Tonight I was at the convenience store and I found Argo bottled tea.  I reached for the hibiscus tea sangria flavor knowing this was far from anything I had tried before.  It had hints of orange, berry, hibiscus, and apple.

Once I got to my car I opened the glass bottle and immediately smelled hints of flower and perfume.  I had a hard time focusing on the flavor of the tea due to the fragrance.  When I could will my nose to not smell and only depend on my tastebuds, it was a pleasant flavor.  However, the scent was a bit overwhelming.  It’s hard to isolate the flavor with the floral smell.  In fact, I was so focused on this that I couldn’t make out the fruit flavors in the tea.

I tried it, but I could not bring myself to drink the entire bottle.  I think I’ll stick to my Southern sweet tea.


Let’s Go To The Movies — Day 85

Image This is one of the still photos released from Twentieth Century Fox from the upcoming movie The Maze Runner.  According to the website, it was taken by Ben Rothstein.

I cannot begin to tell you how excited I was when I heard this movie was coming to theatres.  A few years ago I was introduced to the novel by my school’s media specialist.  It was one of many books on a nominee list for a young adult book award.  When she talked it up to the class, I was immediately intrigued as I am with most YA dystopian novels.  I secured a copy of the book and devoured it.

It is a bit confusing in the beginning as it takes some time for the author to establish the premise and setting for things.  Additionally, there are many unanswered questions because the memories of the characters have been erased.

Earlier this year I was searching for a novel I could read aloud to my students and I discovered this one would be made into a movie and released in 2014.  Students love seeing a novel come to life on the big screen.  Those novels that have been adapted into movies have seen such popularity such as Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Lightning Thief.  Therefore, I guessed this book and its series would be a popular choice.

My students are enjoying it.  However, I am quickly learning that some of my students have difficulty visualizing what they read in a book.  Obviously, this can make comprehension difficult. Today I looked up the official trailer for the movie and watched it.  It was just released recently.  I thought showing it to students would provide them some excitement about what is yet to come in the plot, would allow them to predict future events, and provide them the visual their minds may not have yet generated.  I was right.  Additionally, some students were already able to point out differences from the book.

Today’s first:  watching the preview for the movie The Maze Runner and showing it to my students.

The movie isn’t released until September, but my students are already excited to see it.  I’m excited they are enjoying the book!

She Works Hard for the Money – Day 84

I realize I’m showing my age here, but I remember that Donna Summer song “She Works Hard for the Money” and how she always performed it in a waitress outfit.  Therefore I always associate that song with waitresses….even if that really wasn’t the meaning of the song.  In any event, I know waitresses work very hard.  I’ve always known that, but I learned it first hand when I worked as a waitress during my summer break a few years ago.  

I was thrilled to come home with cash in my pocket, but I was so exhausted.  Obviously, it’s a physically demanding job, but I had little grasp of that until I experienced it first hand.  Since that experience I have made sure to be generous and kind with tipping wait staff.  I’ve never really been a tightwad when it came to tipping, but since I did it myself I try to overcompensate for all the crappy people that stiffed me.


Tonight’s first was a very generous tip.  Now listen, let’s put this in perspective.  The waitress we had at dinner is not going to think she won the lottery.  I don’t mean to make myself out to be this amazing philanthropist like the female version of Warren Buffet.  However, if she was expecting 15-18% of the total bill, suffice to say she will be happy and hope that I visit again soon.  

I remember the times I had costumers who left me more than a fair share for the tip.  It made my night.  Truthfully, few people waitress just because they have nothing better to do.  People waitress for the money.  I hope if my waitress was having a rough week my tip made it a little bit more bearable.  In our brief conversation while she was serving us, she shared with me that she had two kids at home.  I hope a good tip made the sting of being away from them for those hours less painful.

And more than anything I hope if you are reading this, you are inspired to treat those in service jobs a little bit nicer, with more patience, and with uncharacteristic generosity.



Good for the Eyes, Good for the Taste Buds – Day 84


I love those glazed carrots you get in many Japanese restaurants. I could make a meal out of those, rice, and shrimp sauce alone.  Unfortunately, E has never been able to eat them because they are cooked in butter, and he is allergic to milk (and eggs and shellfish).  I decided tonight I would try to recreate them at home.  

I perused several different recipes and decided to take a little from one and a little from another since all the recipes sounded good.  I ended up with something like this:  prepare a bag of frozen carrots as directed on the package.  Then I took roughly three tbsps. of margarine (no butter due to allergies as mentioned above) and melted it.  I then poured it over the carrots and added 1/4 cup of sugar.  I added a few pinches of cinnamon and nutmeg to it.  E taste-tested it and asked me to add a little more sweetness (of course a 12 year old would say that), but I didn’t want to add more sugar so I removed it from the heat and added a drizzle of honey.  

As one national brand cereal says, “Kid tested; mother approved.”  It was yummy, and I felt great about finding a new way to get my kids to eat veggies.  Well, make that kid.  I have yet to convince the toddler to touch anything orange.  Baby steps, my friends.  Baby steps.

A Classic Can Be New, Too – Day 83

There are so many movies written and filmed decades ago which I’ve never seen.  These are considered classics, and although people don’t watch them readily in theaters now, they are considered classics for a reason.  Tonight, I decided my new thing would be found in something old.  I took my chances that Turner Classic Movies (TCM) would have something worth watching tonight.  I was not disappointed.



The Fleet’s In is a movie musical from the 1940s.  I missed the beginning of it, but was able to catch on in the middle of the movie and watch it to the conclusion.  Unlike many movies of today, this one didn’t seem to have any politiical messages.  No warnings of societal ills.  No underlying cultural commentary.  It was simply a fun movie that provided people a relief from life.  The movie was released as Americans were dealing with World War II and patriotism was high.  This story’s characters reflected that as the males were naval sailors.

I don’t make it a habit of watching old, classic movies.  A raging, liberal feminist like me has a hard time watching females characterized as “buxom beauties” and “damsels in distress” as can be found in so many of these.  However, it is interesting to view the differences between movies then and now.  As long as one doesn’t try to take the stories and their characters too seriously, it’s easy to find the entertainment value.

So much of the acting was found in facial expressions.  It was exaggerated, but that was how the comedy was derived.  The dancers became almost caricature-like which provided humor.  In some of the musical acts, the acting looked similar to mime because the message was told through actions rather than words. Specifically, one portion of the movie features Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra in a variety-type show for a crowd. The dancing acts featured these exaggerated expressions and choreography for humor.

This was a light-hearted musical featuring entertainment from an era gone by.  The music reminded me of the weekend evenings I would visit my grandparents as a little girl and The Lawrence Welk Show would be on television.  It was nice to know I wouldn’t have to switch the channel if D and E were to walk into the room because of no nudity or cursing.  Additionally, it is interesting to see how the nation’s events of the day impacted its entertainment such as movies featuring patriotism and men in the military.


The Multiple Choice Quiz of the Bible – Day 82


When I think of the 10 commandments, it’s easy for me to pat myself on the back.  No murder?  Easy.  No stealing?  Got that one covered.  No adultery?  Yay, me!  Honor your mother and father?  I get better at that as I age.  Rest on the Sabbath?  Ouch.

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I am a teacher.  I am also a jewelry lady, a mom, a wife, and so much more.  As is the case for most women I know, the work is never done.  Seven days with 24 hours just aren’t enough to fit everything in much less trying to manage it all in six days.  But this week is different.  Today I made the conscientious effort to truly rest on Sunday.

I realize everyone defines work differently.  For me that means no school work (making lesson plans, grading papers, etc), no jewelry work (making phone calls, writing notes, ordering supplies), no housework (laundry, dishes, cleaning), and no grocery shopping.  I have looked forward to this all week.

How did I fill my day?  Church, lunch, a nap, television, playing with D, and internet surfing.  Later tonight my plans include more television, putting D to sleep, reading, and giving myself a manicure (no crazy Pinterest-inspired ideas, by the way).  Ahhh… sounds like heaven.

Wanna know something nuts?  It’s actually been hard to resist the urge to do work.  With all the technology available to us, it is really challenging to disconnect and rest.  As a teacher, my students can correspond with me anytime.  Their opportunities to learn do not end at 3 pm Friday, but that also means my job as a teacher doesn’t end at 3 pm Friday.  I want to be available all the time anytime for my students, but is that really a good thing?  And how arrogant am I to think the world simply will not function if I take a day off?

While on the internet and without even realizing it, I found myself sending texts to jewelry customers.  Of course, jewelry is more like fun to me than work, but that doesn’t matter.  It’s still work.  Oops.  The family really needs clean clothes.  Is it bad that I asked my husband to wash clothes so I didn’t break my own Sabbath?  And I have to load and run the dishwasher or D will not have any sippy cups for daycare tomorrow.  But that’s it.  That’s all the work I’m doing today.  Not quite perfection, but it’s a start.

I’m just as guilty as anyone at picking and choosing which portions of the Bible suit me and which I’d like to overlook, but the 10 commandments are not optional.  It’s not God’s multiple choice quiz where I get to choose the best answer to accommodate my life. They are commandments, and I’m going to attempt to do better with this one.


Drink It Up …. Day 81


I admit it.  I have a serious soda addiction. Over the past several years, I’ve tried reducing the amount I drink with some success, but it’s still pretty bad.  But today’s first would change that.

Today’s first:  go an entire day with no sodas or carbonated drinks.  Notice, I’m not attempting to go a day without caffeine — only soda.  I had coffee, water, and apple juice.  

 I did end the day with a headache.  That could be from the significant drop in caffeine and no soda or it could be coincidental.  Not sure.  Outside of the headache, it wasn’t really a big deal.  It was easier than I thought it would be.  Going without caffeine would have been much more challenging, I think.  

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