Day 18 – Roughing It

Day two of Snowpocalypse and I’ve already heard “I’m bored” a dozen times.  And I swear if I’m subjected to one more minute of YouTube videos showing adolescent or young men playing video games, I may scream.  My youngest son would sit in front of a screen (television, computer, phone, handheld gaming system….he’s not particular) for 14 hours per day if I allowed it.  Today I told him no more.  Off with screens.

Of course, he had no idea what to do despite the copious toys, games, and art supplies in our home. (We were done going out to play in the snow for the day so that wasn’t an option.) Therefore, I heard the same “I’m bored” again.  After wandering aimlessly like a lost soul in the desert searching for water, he finally approached me and asked if I could do something with him.

Now, I believe it does not harm children to be bored.  In fact, I think that sentiment births creativity.  However, I also don’t want to overlook the opportunity to disconnect from my adult world and responsibilities and have quality time with my kids…..especially if they are asking for it.  So that’s what I did.

Little D had the most delightful idea and it meets my daily firsts requirements.  He wanted to have a picnic in our living room, but not just a picnic….an indoor camping picnic.  So we roughed it…..according to his mind’s idea of camping.

Last year his cousin had a camping-themed birthday party and all the kids got these great teepee/tents.  It’s rather large, but folds up and fits in the closet nicely.  D requested we get it out and set it up.  I placed a tablecloth under it.  Then we carried our microwave meals — because apparently this is real camping food to a 6 year old — along with a bowl of strawberries and water inside the tent.  I also took the pillows off the couch and put them in there.  This was necessary because I could not sit in the tent.  I had to lay with my head and arms in the tent and my legs coming out.

tent picnic

When I first carried our drinks into the tent, D had the television on with eyes glued.  You can see it in the picture here.  No way was I going to allow this.  I turned it off.  He pouted for about 30 seconds and then we played the most intense game of “Would You Rather” with a six year old that you could imagine.  It actually was a great thing to do because it gave us an opportunity to get to know each other’s preferences all while giggling and talking.

Indoor camping picnics are not something that can be done everyday, but they are a nice change of pace.  Definitely a first I would do again.

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